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Location Clearance Certificate

Location Clearance Certificate

Location Clearance Certificate

Location Clearance Certificate is to be obtained from Maharashtra State Government. We at NJP Group arrange all formalities for Location Clearance Certificate in all Industrial areas, where plots are allotted by MIDC. In some cases there are organisations which may not be operating for any reason. In such cases if any other party prefers that location for business we, NJP Group can make such location arrangement by fulfilling all legal formalities.

We are a leading industrial consultant and service provider for industrial construction and project formalities. We conduct transparent deals in Location Clearance, Location Arrangement, Industrial Location Clearance, Industrial Location Arrangement, Legal Location Clearance, and Environmental Clearance.

What is certificate compliance

There are a number of certificates required to be obtained from state/ central government authorities by the new start-up companies to initiate their business. Location clearance certificate is one such certificate which has to be obtained from state government. It is a certificate which verifies that the proposed site under construction or already in existence follows the existing land use plan of the particular city/place.

In many a situations, plots are allotted by industrial development corporations in industrial areas of various states, acquiring location clearance certificates becomes mandatory in such cases. A couple of compliance requirements need to be accomplished for industries depending upon the type of industry, product to be manufactured, location of the unit, these include state specific compliance by environment and forest ministry, pollution compliance, zone compliance by town planning authority, coastal regulation zone compliance and so on. Based on the compliances, the concerned authority from state / central government will issue a No Objection Certificate (NOC).

Also there are technical advisors who suggest whether the available land is fit for use by any industry. To be precise, locational clearance is required by a new industry when it is to be set up and in the event of an existing industry it is required when there is any change in the activity of the industry or in case of expansion or any new addition of any activity.

Process of obtaining certificate

At NJP Group, we arrange and handle all the formalities for acquiring location clearance certificates in all industrial areas, where the plots are assigned by Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC). There may be certain plots which may be owned by any party, but, are vacant for unknown reason or there may be some organizations which are non - operative for the reasons best known to them.

In both the incidences, if any other party becomes interested in the organization or the vacant plot, we can complete all the legal formalities and make the location available to the new party. Our team of skilled professionals are experts in handling all the legal procedures and work formalities for our customers. We hold interactive sessions with our customers to get a clear idea about their requirements, accordingly, we design our plan of action and brief them about the schedule of work to be done. This way the unnecessary confusion is avoided and also the client gets satisfied about the work being done.

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